Retrats [Portrait] 2012

Retrats [Portrait] 2012

Digital printout, variable measures 42 parts, each 310 x 220 x 20mm legend ed. 2 + 1 P.A.
Portrait 1 Weekly inventory of perishable products used by Subject 1 Portrait 2 Weekly inventory of perishable products used by Subject 2 Portrait 3 Weekly inventory of perishable products used by Subject 3 Portrait 4 Weekly inventory of perishable products used by Subject 4 Portrait 5 Weekly inventory of perishable products used by Subject 5 Portrait 6 Weekly inventory of perishable products used by Subject 6

There has been a weekly monitoring of the perishable coded products (which normally have a consumption or shelf life under a year) that different individuals of the same environment have been consuming or using for a week, along each of the days, maintaining the order of consumption or use and that are represented by their corresponding bar code. Therefore, each portrait is the daily count of all perishable goods consumed or used that day by each individual.
